Philips espremedor HR1919 Manual

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Philips espremedor HR1919
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and
regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic elds.
Before first use
Thoroughly clean the parts that come into contact with food
before you use the appliance for the rst time (see chapter
‘Cleaning and storage’).
- Always check the sieve before use. If you detect any cracks or
damage, do not use the appliance.
- Make sure the locking arm is locked into position.
Using the appliance
You can use the juicer to produce fruit, vegetable and green
- Do not operate the juicer for more than 60 seconds at a time
when you juice heavy loads and let it cool down suciently
- Before you start juicing make sure that the spout is in
correct juice position, the opening of the spout should point
- To avoid splashing of juice, place the juice jug with properly
assembled juice jug lid below the spout.
FiberBoost Function
Turn the control knob to setting 1 for the low ber juice or to
setting 2 for high ber juice.
- Low ber juice setting produces a more clear juice.
- High ber juice setting produces a ber rich juice with many
ne bers or smooth texture.
- Use the pre clean function with setting 2.
- Always switch on the device and be sure it is running at full
speed before you insert fruits or vegetables into the feeding
- Do not exert too much pressure on the pusher, as this could
aect the quality of the end result. It could even cause the
sieve to come to a halt.
- Never insert your ngers or an object into the feeding tube.
- If the pulp container becomes full during use, switch o the
appliance and detach the lid and the juice collector. Then
carefully remove the pulp container and empty it.
- For optimal performance clean the unit (lid, sieve, pulp
container) after each jug of juice.
Drip Stop
- After you have processed all ingredients and the juice ow
has stopped, turn the spout clockwise by about 120° to
activate the drip stop function.
Empty the pulp container
Note: When the pulp container has reached its maximum
capacity, pulp ends up in the juice collector, lid and in the juice.
If the pulp container becomes overlled, the appliance may
become blocked. When this occurs, switch o the appliance and
remove the pulp from the pulp container. Let the appliance cool
down for 15 minutes.
The transparent pulp container helps you to see when the pulp
container is full. Also check the level indication on the juice jug.
When the pulp reaches the level of the juice collector, the pulp
container needs to be emptied.
- Use fresh fruit and vegetables, as they contain more juice.
Pineapples, beetroots, celery stalks, apples, cucumbers,
carrots, spinach, melons, tomatoes, oranges and grapes are
particularly suitable for processing in the juicer.
- The juicer is not suitable for processing very hard and/or
brous or starchy fruits or vegetables such as sugar cane.
- Leaves and leaf stalks of e.g. lettuce can also be processed in
the juicer. To get most out of your leafy greens, roll them up
before juicing and juice the greens in-between hard fruits like
apples or carrots.
- Remove stones from cherries, plums, peaches, etc. You do
not have to remove cores or seeds from fruits like melons,
apples and grapes.
- When you use the juicer, you do not have to remove thin
peels or skins. Only remove thick peels that you would
not eat, e.g. those of oranges, pineapples, kiwis, melons,
pomegranates and uncooked beetroots.
- When you prepare apple juice, take into consideration that
the thickness of the apple juice depends on the kind of apple
you use. The juicier the apple, the thinner the juice. Choose a
kind of apple that produces the type of juice you prefer.
- If you want to process citrus fruits with the juicer, remove the
peel as well as the white pith. The white pith gives juice a
bitter taste.
- Fruits that contain starch, such as bananas, papayas,
avocados, gs and mangoes are not suitable for processing in
the juicer. Use a food processor, blender or hand blender to
process these fruits.
- To extract the maximum amount of juice, always press down
the pusher slowly.
- Drink the juice immediately after you have extracted it.
- If you want clear juice without a foam layer, put the lid with
integrated foam separator on the juice jug. If you want cloudy
juice with a foam layer, remove the lid with integrated foam
separator from the juice jug and stir the juice before you pour
it in a glass.
- Apple juice turns brown very quickly. To slow down this
process, add a few drops of lemon juice.
- When you serve cold drinks, add a few ice cubes.
Healthy recipe
Orange carrot ginger juice
- 1kg carrots
- 20g ginger
- 4 oranges
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 large fresh mint sprig (optional garnish)
1 Peel the oranges.
2 Process the carrots, ginger and oranges in the juicer.
Note: This appliance can process ginger (in pieces of 3x3 cm)
for 1 minute.
3 Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a few ice cubes to the
4 Mix well.
5 Pour the juice into a glass.
Tip: Add a fresh mint sprig to your glass as an optional garnish.
Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or
aggressive liquids such as alcohol, petrol or acetone to clean
the appliance.
The appliance is easier to clean if you do so immediately after
To keep your kitchen clean, all detachable parts (pulp container,
juice collector, sieve and lid) can be carried to the sink in one go.
Tip: Use a sponge to clean the sieve.
Pre-clean function
When you use the pre-clean function, the lid and the sieve are
rinsed with water.
Use speed 2 for the pre-clean function to achieve the best
Use the pre-clean function:
- To make the juicer easier to clean.
- To rinse the juicer when you switch to a dierent fruit or
vegetable and want to avoid mixing avours.
- To dilute the juice with water and catch even the last drop of
To store the cord, wind it round the cord storage facility in the
base of the appliance.
Caution: Do not hold the appliance by the locking arm or spout
when you carry it.
Ordering accessories
To buy accessories or spare parts, visit
service or go to your Philips dealer. You can also contact the
Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country (see the worldwide
guarantee leaet for contact details).
- This symbol means that this product shall not be
disposed of with normal household waste (2012/19/
- Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection
of electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal
helps prevent negative consequences for the environment
and human health.
Guarantee and support
If you need information or support, please visit or read the separate worldwide
guarantee leaet.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrem Kauf und willkommen bei
Philips! Um den Support, den Philips bietet, vollständig nutzen
zu können, registrieren Sie Ihr Produkt unter
Allgemeine Beschreibung
1 Motoreinheit
- A Antriebsachse
- B Verriegelungsarm
- C Drehschalter
- D Kabelaufwicklung
2 Entsafter
- E Stopferdeckel
- F Stopfer mit Vorreinigungsfunktion
- G Einfüllönung
- H Deckel
- I Sieb
- J Saftauangschale mit (K) Ausgießer mit Tropf-Stopp-
- L Fruchteischbehälter
3 Deckel der Saftkanne mit integriertem Schaumlter
4 Saftbehälter
Lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung vor dem
Gebrauch des Geräts aufmerksam durch, und
bewahren Sie sie für eine spätere Verwendung
- Tauchen Sie die Motoreinheit niemals in
Wasser oder andere Flüssigkeiten; spülen
Sie sie auch nicht unter ießendem Wasser
- Reinigen Sie die Motoreinheit nicht im
- Prüfen Sie vor Inbetriebnahme, ob die
Spannungsangabe an der Unterseite des
Geräts mit der örtlichen Netzspannung
- Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn der
Netzstecker, das Netzkabel oder ein anderes
Teil des Geräts defekt oder beschädigt ist.
- Um Gefährdungen zu vermeiden, darf
ein defektes Netzkabel nur von einem
Philips Service-Center, einer von Philips
autorisierten Werkstatt oder einer ähnlich
qualizierten Person durch ein Original-
Ersatzkabel ersetzt werden.
- Dieses Gerät kann von Personen mit
verringerten physischen, sensorischen oder
psychischen Fähigkeiten oder Mangel an
Erfahrung und Kenntnis verwendet werden,
wenn sie bei der Verwendung beaufsichtigt
wurden oder Anweisung zum sicheren
Gebrauch des Geräts erhalten und die
Gefahren verstanden haben.
- Dieses Gerät sollte nicht von Kindern
verwendet werden. Halten Sie das
Gerät und das Netzkabel außerhalb der
Reichweite von Kindern.
- Kinder dürfen nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.
- Lassen Sie das eingeschaltete Gerät niemals
- Trennen Sie das Gerät immer von
der Stromversorgung, wenn Sie es
unbeaufsichtigt lassen und bevor Sie es
zusammensetzen, auseinandernehmen
oder reinigen.
- Benutzen Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn das
Sieb oder der Deckel in irgendeiner Weise
beschädigt ist oder sichtbare Risse aufweist,
und wenden Sie sich an ein Philips Service-
Center in Ihrer Nähe.
- Greifen Sie unter keinen Umständen
bei laufendem Gerät mit der Hand oder
einem Gegenstand in die Einfüllönung.
Verwenden Sie dazu nur den Stopfer.
Stecken Sie keine anderen Gegenstände in
die Einfüllönung außer Obst, Gemüse oder
den Stopfer.
- Vermeiden Sie jede Berührung mit den
kleinen Schneidemessern am Boden des
Siebs. Diese sind sehr scharf.
- Verwenden Sie das Gerät immer auf einer
trockenen, stabilen und ebenen Unterlage.
- Halten Sie die Arbeitsäche, auf der das
Gerät steht, und die Unterseite des Geräts
sauber, damit es nicht rutschen kann.
- Essen Sie nicht das Fruchteisch, und
verwenden Sie es nicht zur Vorbereitung von
- Dieses Gerät ist nur für den Gebrauch im
Haushalt bestimmt.
4203 064 65181
Register your product and get support at
Always there to help you
- Tragen Sie das Gerät nicht am
- Wickeln Sie das Kabel vor dem Gebrauch
immer ganz von der Kabelaufbewahrung ab.
- Verwenden Sie nie Zubehör oder Teile,
die von Drittherstellern stammen bzw.
nicht von Philips empfohlen werden. Wenn
Sie diese(s) Zubehör oder Teile verwenden,
erlischt Ihre Garantie.
- Prüfen Sie, bevor Sie das Gerät einschalten,
ob alle Teile korrekt zusammengesetzt sind.
- Verwenden Sie das Gerät erst dann, wenn
sich der Verriegelungsarm in gesperrter
Position bendet.
- Bevor Sie das Gerät auseinandernehmen
oder reinigen, stellen Sie den Drehschalter
auf die Aus-Position, und ziehen Sie den
Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. Schieben
Sie dann den Verriegelungsarm in die
entsperrte Position.
- Entsperren Sie den Verriegelungsarm erst,
nachdem Sie das Gerät ausgeschaltet
haben und das Sieb zum Stillstand
gekommen ist.
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To
fully benet from the support that Philips oers, register your
product at
General description
1 Motor unit
- A Driving shaft
- B Locking arm
- C Control knob
- D Cord storage facility
2 Juicer
- E Cover of pusher
- F Pusher with pre-clean function
- G Feeding tube
- H Lid
- I Sieve
- J Juice collector with (K) spout with drip stop function
- L Pulp container
3 Juice jug lid with integrated foam separator
4 Juice jug
Read this user manual carefully before you use
the appliance and save it for future reference.
- Never immerse the motor unit in water or
any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.
- Do not clean the motor unit in the
- Check if the voltage indicated on the base
of the appliance corresponds to the local
mains voltage before you connect the
- Do not use the appliance if the plug, the
mains cord or other components are
- If the mains cord is damaged, you must
have it replaced by Philips, a service centre
authorised by Philips or similarly qualied
persons in order to avoid a hazard.
- This appliance can be used by persons
with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and
knowledge if they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use
of the appliance in a safe way and if they
understand the hazards involved.
- This appliance shall not be used by children.
Keep the appliance and its cord out of the
reach of children.
- Children shall not play with the appliance.
- Never let the appliance operate unattended.
- Always disconnect the appliance from the
mains if you leave it unattended or before
you assemble, disassemble or clean it.
- Do not use the appliance if the sieve or the
lid is damaged in any way or shows visible
cracks and contact the nearest Philips
service centre.
- Never reach into the feeding tube with your
ngers or an object while the appliance
is operating. Only use the pusher for this
purpose. Do not insert other items than
fruits, vegetables or the pusher into the
feeding tube.
- Do not touch the small cutting blades in the
base of the sieve. They are very sharp.
- Always place and use the appliance on a
dry, stable and level surface.
- To ensure that the appliance stands stably,
keep the surface on which the appliance
stands and the bottom of the appliance
- Do not eat the pulp or use for preparing
- This appliance is intended for household
use only.
- Do not hold the appliance by the locking
arm when you carry it.
- Always unwind the power cord totally from
the cord storage area before use.
- Never use any accessories or parts from
other manufacturers or that Philips does
not specically recommend. If you use
such accessories or parts, your guarantee
becomes invalid.
- Make sure all parts are correctly assembled
before you switch on the appliance.
- Only use the appliance when the locking
arm is in locked position.
- Before you disassemble the appliance and
before you clean it, set the control knob to
o position and remove the plug from the
wall socket. Then lower the locking arm to
unlocked position.
- Only lower the locking arm to unlocked
position after you have switched o the
appliance and the sieve has stopped
- Always unplug the appliance after use.
- Noise level: Lc = 70 dB(A).
Safety feature
This appliance is tted with a safety feature which safeguards
against overheating due to excessive loads. In case of
overheating, the juicer automatically activates the overload
protection and switches itself o. If this occurs, set the control
knob to 0, unplug the appliance and let it cool down for
15 minutes.
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