Dialogic trocar D41JCT-LS-W Manual

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Dialogic trocar D41JCT-LS-W
n Installation
n Warranty Period
n RMA Procedure
Part Number 05-1352-001
Copyright © 2000
Dialogic Corporation
All Rights Reserved
1. Protect Boards from Damage
Caution! Computer boards are static-sensitive and
can be damaged by touching or handling. To prevent
damage from static electricity, do the following:
Wear a grounded, static-dissipating wrist strap for
the entire hardware installation.
Work at a static-safeguarded work station (see
The work surface drains electrical charges from
conductive materials when the materials are placed on
the surface. The grounded, static-dissipating wrist strap
drains static charge from the person wearing the strap.
Both components ensure that static charges are drained
at a rate and current level that are safe. Both must be
used any time a person is handling a board or
2. Set Hardware Switches
The D/41JCT-LS board includes hardware auto-
configuration for IRQ and memory address. This
technology lets you use the factory default hardware
settings for quick installation and operation. However,
we recommend that you review the following
information before installing your board and select any
options as desired.
A. Set the Board ID Number
When you start Dialogic boards, each board is assigned
a sequential number for identification and use by the
system software. This sequential number specifies the
device and channel name(s) for each board. The board
number is based on the board ID that you set using the
SW30 rotary switch on the board.
Use the SW30 rotary switch to specify board
sequencing as follows:
Automatic Assignment: Board ID 0
Also called geographical method. All Dialogic PCI
boards can share the factory default setting of board
ID 0. In this case, boards are automatically sorted by
PCI bus and slot number.
Note: Adding or removing a board can cause the
renumbering of boards in the system. Consequently,
the assignment of device names may change during
the next system start-up.
Manual Assignment: Board IDs 1–9, A-F
In addition to the automatic assignment method, you
can use the manual or discrete assignment method to
further identify boards in your system.
If you change the board ID from the factory default
of 0 to any other number, the software will use that
setting to identify the board.
Note: When not set to 0, the board ID must be
unique. It must not conflict with the board ID of any
other Dialogic ISA or PCI board. If you use this
method, we recommend that you assign sequential
numbers starting at 1. This method is also used for
all ISA bus boards.
Numbering Precedence in Mixed Systems
In systems using both automatic and manual assignment
methods, or where both ISA and PCI boards exist, PCI
boards take precedence and are numbered before an
ISA board that uses board IDs 1-9 or A-F.
Note: The Dialogic software can correctly register your
boards for proper operation; however, due to variations
among computer chassis, it is not possible for the
software to determine where each board is physically
placed. For more information on board ID numbering
issues, see the Dialogic Installation and Configuration
Guide for your operating system or visit the Dialogic
Technical Support website at
http://support.dialogic.com/tnotes/tnbyos/winnt/tn187.htm .
B. Set the Hook-Switch State for Start-Up
Set the SW4 switch as follows to select how the board
responds to an incoming call when the computer power
is on but the board is not initialized.
Ringing (On-Hook)
SW4 = Off (default): Callers hear ringing (on-hook).
Busy (Off-Hook)
SW4 = On: Callers hear a busy signal (off-hook).
If the computer power is off, callers hear ringing
(on-hook) regardless of the setting of the SW4 switch.
3. Set CT Bus Jumpers (optional)
The Computer Telephony bus (CT Bus) provides
communication and flexible resource sharing among the
boards connected to the bus. This Dialogic board has a
CT Bus connector that complies with the ECTF H.100
specification, and as such can be connected to the
CT Bus with a CT Bus cable.
You can connect the board to the CT Bus or use it
without the CT Bus in stand-alone mode.
n Stand-Alone Mode (CT Bus Jumpers Ignored):
For applications that do not require media sharing or
switching across the CT Bus, use the board in stand-
alone mode. No CT Bus cable is required. You can
skip the rest of this section and proceed to Section 4
Install the Board.”
In addition, you may skip the instructions in this
section when you use the board in SCbus mode
without a CT Bus master board; that is, using only
SCbus master/slave boards.
n CT Bus Mode (CT Bus Jumpers Needed): To
connect the boards to the CT Bus, set the CT Bus
jumpers according to instructions in this section.
Note: If these boards are operating in SCbus mode, CT
Bus (H.100) termination is not required.
The following instructions only apply to the boards at
each end of the CT Bus cable. Only boards at each end
of the CT Bus cable must be terminated.
JP1 jumper is reserved and unused. DO NOT install a
shunt across the pins of JP1.
JP2 is a 2-pin jumper that is used to terminate the CT
Bus, ensuring that proper electrical characteristics exist
on the CT Bus. By factory default, this jumper is not
terminated on the board.
To use the CT Bus:
Install the shunt on the JP2 jumper of a board to
terminate the CT Bus at that board.
Only terminate the first and last boards (the boards
located at each end) on the CT Bus cable.
Do not install a shunt across the pins of JP2 on
boards located between the end boards on the CT
Bus cable (the shunt must be disconnected on the
JP2 jumper to disable termination).
The JP2 jumper terminates the H.100 signals listed in
the following table.
H.100 signal
JP2, Pins 1 and 2
(used on boards at
each end of CT Bus
cable only)
4. Install the Board
Warning! To reduce the risk of electric shock:
Switch off the power and disconnect all power
Do not re-attach power cords or switch on power to
the computer while the computer cover is removed.
Install the board in the computer chassis according to
the following instructions:
1. Remove the computer cover.
2. Select an empty PCI bus slot, and remove the slot’s
retaining screw and access coverplate.
16-Bit ISA Slots
32-Bit PCI Slots
Retaining Screw
Metal Coverplate for Slot
Note: If you are not installing your board in an ISA
form-factor PCI slot, remove the slot retainer bracket
from the end of the board before installation.
Physical Description
SW30 SW4
Pin 1
rear bracket
PCI bus connector
CT Bus connector
slot retainer bracket
JP2 (top row, pins 1 and 2)
JP1 (bottom row, pins 1 and 2)
Part Function
SW30 Rotary switch to set board ID number
SW4 Switch to set hook-switch state for start-up
J1–J4 RJ-11 jacks to connect to PBX or Central
Office lines
JP1 Jumper reserved.
JP2 Jumper to terminate CT Bus on board at
each end of CT Bus cable (factory default
is unterminated)
CT Bus connector
ECTF H.100-compliant CT Bus edge
PCI bus connector
PCI expansion bus edge connector
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